
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Operational and Situational Questions for Custodian Interview

► Describe your relevant experience as a janitor or custodian. What were some of your responsibilities?

► What did you like most about your last job?

► How would you handle being around the general public while you clean?

► How often do you clean and maintain your equipment?

► What types of cleaning machinery do you have experience with?

► What steps would you take if you noticed a problem that required major repairs?

► Cleaning is repetitive work. How do you stay motivated?

► Describe a time you had to solve a problem on your own because your supervisor was not available.

► Describe a time someone criticized your work. How did you handle it?

► Describe a frustrating experience with this kind of job.

► You've noticed one of your co-workers stealing supplies. What would you do?

► What are you looking for in your next supervisor?


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