
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Performance Management Based NHA Officer Interview Questions

► Give an example of a time when you helped a staff member accept change and make the necessary adjustments to move forward. What were the change/transition skills that you used.

► Give an example of how you have been successful at empowering either a person or a group of people into accomplishing a task.

► How do you handle a subordinate whose work is not up to expectations?

► How do you coach a subordinate to develop a new skill?

► How do you handle performance reviews? Tell me about a difficult one.

► How often do you discuss a subordinate's performance with him/her? Give an example.

► Tell us about a specific development plan that you created and carried out with one or more of your employees. What was the specific situation? What were the components of the development plan? What was the outcome?

► Tell us about a time when you had to take disciplinary action with someone you supervised.

► Tell us about a time when you had to tell a staff member that you were dissatisfied with his or her work.

► Tell us about a time when you had to use your authority to get something done. Where there any negative consequences?

► There are times when people need extra help. Give an example of when you were able to provide that support to a person with whom you worked.

► What have you done to develop the skills of your staff?

► When do you give positive feedback to people? Tell me about the last time you did. Give an example of how you handle the need for constructive criticism with a subordinate or peer.


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