⟩ Tell me types Of Dcim Software, And What Do They Do?
User interfaces — different packages offer different views, so choose those that would be most useful to you. Among those typically available:
☛ Floor layout: provides an accurate representation of your data center in a floor plan and/or elevation diagram
☛ Recommended actions: Provides decriptions of problems and recommended actions
☛ Virtual store room: Keeps track of new devices from arrival on site through installation
☛ Rack front view: Provides accurate graphical representation of equipment and its location in the rack
☛ Equipment browser: Locates equipment based on vendor name, model and/or type, and can often export equipment data to Excel format
☛ User rights management: Allows assignment of individual user rights and controls across rooms, locations, reports, alarms, and work orders
☛ Mobile devices: Communicates critical data to specified PDAS