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⟩ How can you set the Client Management?

We can enable & disable client management as well as we can configure How & Where client variables need to be store

1. In the Application.cfc initialization code

This.clientmanagement="True" / "false"

This.clientStorage="[Ur_datasource_name]" / "registry" / "cookie"

2. In appliation.cfm using <cfappliaction> tag attributes

clientManagement="yes" / "no"

clientStorage="[Ur_datasource_name]" / "registry" / "cookie"

[Ur_datasource_name] - Stored in ODBC or native data source. You must create storage repository in the Administrator.

registry - Stored in the system registry.

cookie - Stored on client computer in a cookie. Scalable. If client disables cookies in the browser, client variables do not work.


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