
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Education related Paralegal Interview Question

► Tell me about your college experience.

► Why did you choose this major?

► What do you intend to do with your degree?

► Are you changing your original goals?

► What was your grade point average (GPA) in college? in paralegal school?

► Were you an honors student?

► What was your favorite subject?

► What was your least favorite subject? Why?

► Tell me the areas in which you excelled.

► Tell me your weakest subject areas.

► Were you employed while attending school?

► Are you planning to complete college/paralegal school?

► Why did it take so long to complete your degree?

► Why did you decide to become a paralegal?

► Why did you change careers?

► Why did you choose the ABC Paralegal School?

► How has your education prepared you for a paralegal job?

► What professional seminars have you attended in the past year?

► What are your future educational plans?

► Does your grade point average reflect your work ability?

► Name three subjects you learned that could be used in this position.

► Are you planning to attend law school or grad school?

► Tell me about your best/worst assignment.

► Did you participate in a paralegal internship program?

► What did you gain from the experience?

► Do you have a paralegal mentor/role model?

► Why did you choose this person?

► Are you a CLA (Certified Legal Assistant) or a PACE-registered paralegal (Paralegal Advanced Competency Exam), or have you applied to take either test?

► How has this certification or registration helped or hindered your job search?

► How do you react to on-the-job-training?

► Did you bring college/paralegal school transcripts with you? Can you provide them?


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