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⟩ I am thinking of doing independent study in Political Science. How do I go about this?

Independent study is intended for those who want to develop their own program of advanced study on a topic in which they already have an interest. If there is a topic you would like to spend a semester working on, consult with the faculty member who is most likely to be able to guide you through that research. You should be able to present him or her with a rough outline of what you hope to do and hope to accomplish. If the instructor agrees to work with you on this, the next stage is to put together a proposal for the project, which should spell out what you plan to read and what you plan to write in some detail. This requires departmental approval, and the proposal must be submitted for approval at least two weeks before registration. Please note that you must have already taken the core course/courses relevant to your topic, as well as any other specialized courses offered that would prepare you for your project.


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