⟩ Potassium has a lower concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) than plasma
Scenario The following histogram shows the distribution of the difference between the actual and “ideal” weights for 119 female students. Notice that percent is given on the vertical axis. Ideal weights are responses to the question “What is your ideal weight”. The difference = actual -ideal. What is the approximate shape of the distribution?
Scenario A newspaper article reported, Children who routinely compete in vigorous after-school sports on smoggy days are three times more likely to get asthma than their non-athletic peers. (Sacramento Bee, Feb 1, 2002, p. A1) Of the following, which is the most important additional information that would be useful before making a decision about participation in school sports?
people over 30?
The newspaper also reported, The number of children in the study who contracted asthma was relatively small Answer - 265 of 3,535. From this information and the information given in the original quote, which of the following could not be computed?
Among people with age under 30 what are the odds that they always exceed the speed limit?
Scenario A survey asked people how often they exceed speed limits. The data are then categorized into the following contingency table of counts showing the relationship between age group and response. Exceed Limit if Possible Age Always Not Always Total Under 30 100 100 200 Over 30 40 160 200 Total 140 260 400 Among people with age over 30, what is the risk of always exceeding the speed limit?
Past data has shown that the regression line relating the final exam score and the midterm exam score for students who take statistics from a certain professor is Final exam = 50 + 0.5 × midterm. One interpretation of the slope is?
If value of x for normal distribution is 35, mean of normal distribution is 65 and standard deviation is 25 then standardized random variable is?
In set theory, the universe of discourse is called the?
Homogenieity of variance refers to what?