⟩ What is the standard transaction type for quatation?
Transactio type - AG
Item category - AGN
Transactio type - AG
Item category - AGN
What are the tools are uses to get the tickets?
What is use of sub total in pricing procedure?
What is the diff between sto,inter company and 3rd party sale process?
Why sales order we need to create? when we create delivery and billing without sales order? what is the importance of sales order?
What is the difference between item cat group and general item cat group?
What is movement type and what are the different types of movement types?
Explain What are fields need to be activated for the available check and TOR?
Explain How credit management is linked with pricing?
Explain What is the output used for credit management where it can be processed?
Tell me How the accounting document type RV will be configured and link to the billing document type?