⟩ What is concentric contraction?
When a muscle bearing weight shorten and contracts during a movement (such as when the bicep shortens during the bicep curl).
When a muscle bearing weight shorten and contracts during a movement (such as when the bicep shortens during the bicep curl).
Do you feel that every person should have a gym membership?
Name 5 cardiovascular exercises not on a machine?
Tell me have you ever helped train a friend? How did that work out?
Tell me do you have any fitness goals for yourself?
What experiences do you have with customer service as Fitness Trainer?
Explain a summary of a training program you would set up for a client strictly looking for weigh-loss and toning?
Tell me about an experience you've had dealing with an unhappy customer?
Most people know how to use gym machinery so why is there so much focus on training them?
This job is about getting clients, getting referrals, and making sales, how will you perform with this pressure?
How important do you think that gym instructors are nowadays especially since there is so much information regarding health and fitness available on the Internet?