Fitness GYM

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“Fitness GYM related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Fitness GYM. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

85 Fitness GYM Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is cross-trainer?

Or elliptical trainer. This cardio machine causes the user to apply the same movement principles of running, but without the same impact on the joints. The handrails work the upper body, while the foot-holders work the lower body.


2⟩ What is abs?

Abdominal muscles, which form part of the core. When well-defined, these muscles are referred to as a ‘six-pack’. Ab workouts typically involve sit-ups, various different types of crunches, and planking.


3⟩ What is calf muscles?

Muscles situated at the back of the lower leg (known also as triceps surae, comprising the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles).


4⟩ What is AB-AB routine?

Sometimes used by trainers to describe a workout involves cycling between two different exercises for two sets, before moving onto another two different exercises and doing the same.

For instance, as part of a workout routine person might perform:

☛ 1 set of leg raises (A)

☛ 1 set of crunches (B)

☛ 1 set of leg raises (A)

☛ 1 set of crunches (B)

before moving on to do another group of two exercises.

When employed in weight lifting, alternating between different exercises might be referred to as ‘super-setting’.


6⟩ What is box fit?

Type of exercise based on the principles of boxing training, but not necessarily involving sparring or physical contact.

During a class, participants will throw punches and perform other boxing moves, and this helps to improve cardiovascular conditioning.


7⟩ Tell me examples Of How You Might Collaborate With Other Teachers In The School?

PE should never be taught in isolation! I like to talk to classroom teachers to find out what their students are interested in, which students especially need a chance to take on leadership roles or get energy out, and what they are studying in class. I can teach sports and games from different periods in history to go along with a social studies curriculum, and I can incorporate counting, measurement and other math concepts into my instruction. I start by listening to what other teachers hope to get out of our collaborative relationship, and I move on from there.


8⟩ Tell us how Important Is Nutrition To You? Will You Strongly Suggest Your Clients Follow A Better Diet To Improve Their Fitness Goals in Fitness GYM?

Nutrition is massively important as it is the key to recovery from fitness and increasing fitness. Yes I would suggest a better diet as if a client wants to lose weight they will need to eat less fatty foods and and carbs where as a body builder will need to increase their carbs and protein in their diet. Diets will vary on what the client wants to achieve.


10⟩ Please tell me how Will You Find New Clients?

Once again, a sales question. The employer probably won't want to hear that you're going to wait for new clients to simply walk in the door. Talk instead about how you use social media, blogs, conferences and networking events, and business cards or promotional materials to bring in your own clients.


12⟩ What is crunch?

Abdominal muscle exercise, similar to a sit-up, where the participant lies down and raises their head and upper back off the floor and towards their midsection.


13⟩ What is chest press?

Upright version of a bench press, performed on a pulley or plate machine. Works the chest muscles.

Adjust your seat so the handles are at shoulder height, then place your hands on the handles and push forwards to perform a rep.


14⟩ What are carbohydrates?

A nutrient found in food, which provides the body with glucose, which the body then converts into energy.

Carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet. However, it is important to get them from healthy sources as much as possible. Examples of healthy carbs are wholegrains and vegetables. Less healthy sources are products containing added or refined sugar, or processed foods.


15⟩ What is bodyweight exercises?

Exercises which help to build strength and muscle through pushing or pulling bodyweight, such as push-ups, pull-ups, planking or tricep dips.


16⟩ Explain me what is barbell?

Bar with weights on either end. Can be adjustable or fixed. Commonly used in upper body exercises such as bench press or military press, or in compound exercises such as squats or deadlifts.


17⟩ Tell me what is absolute strength?

The highest amount of force that a muscle can exert in one move; or put another way, the maximum amount of weight that a person can lift in one repetition.