⟩ Can you state three traits you possess that you think are your major strengths as a cashier?
☛ Numeracy skills,
☛ customer oriented attitude and
☛ cash balancing expertise.
☛ Numeracy skills,
☛ customer oriented attitude and
☛ cash balancing expertise.
Tell us how do you feel about getting up very early to prep food?
Can you share a significant achievement you have made as a line cook previously?
Tell us how Would You Handle Complaints about Your Food?
Explain about a crisis you encountered at work and how you handled it?
Explain about your formal training as a cook?
Can you tell me do you think a cook needs mathematical skills?
Explain what strategies do you apply to keep yourself organized?
Can you tell us what are your key skills?
Tell me how you handle conflicts with other kitchen staff members?
Tell me what were your long range plans at your most recent employer?