Hospital Cashier

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“Hospital Cashier related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Hospital Cashier. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

57 Hospital Cashier Questions And Answers

3⟩ Tell us has a large amount of money ever come up missing at your past employment?

Be candid with the interviewer sharing if your drawer was ever previously off by a large dollar amount. We all make mistakes and this can happen from time-to-time. The key is to share if the money was found and how you learned from your mistake. Simply tell the interviewer who reconciled your drawer for you to find the mistake, and mention that you recognized the importance of the mistake ensuring that it never happened again.


4⟩ Tell us do you prefer working alone or as a part of a team?

Cashiers typically work independently, but working within a team is a key part of the job; you will work closely with stockers, floor managers, and others. As you respond, stress that you can work independently and can thrive on your own, but that you appreciate the support and expertise a team can give you.


5⟩ Explain me how would you handle an angry customer?

Imagine being on the job and a man comes into the store a second time to complain that he was double charged for a bag of chips. He feels scammed and wants his money back immediately. How would you handle it? This is the kind of question you will get in your interview. A good answer might be that you would go ahead and refund him the money to keep him as a customer since it was a small purchase. You might say you’d grab a supervisor for assistance. You might also mention that watching the sales screen during each checkout keeps you from making many of those mistakes. This kind of answer shows that you can handle irate customers professionally and that you want to prevent the problem in the first place.


6⟩ Tell us have you ever gone above and beyond your normal job duties to help a customer?

Yes. I used to work at a home improvement store, and I worked primarily in the back room. Once, while checking inventory just inside the back room door, a customer called through the open door asking for help finding a product. I had a lot left to do, but I knew that the store was busy and that the sales associates were likely all helping other customers. I walked with the customer to the aisle where the product was and helped her determine which type was best for her project. It was inconvenient for me, but I believe in always putting the customer’s needs first.


7⟩ Can you tell me particularly difficult situation that you handled involving customer?

At Macy’s, a customer got quite antsy when he realized that he did not get the change that he was supposed to. He gave me a $100 bill and I was required to return $20 to him but accidentally gave him $10. He got very upset and asked to see a supervisor. I apologized but did not offer too much of an explanation of my error as I somehow gauged he was too upset to listen to me. I called my supervisor before the situation got out of hand.


9⟩ As you know this job is repetitive. Tell me how you will find a motivation to do it well?

Say that you do not mind repetitive work, that you actually enjoy it. You can even say that customers change every day, that you enjoy the small chit-chat you’ll have with them while performing your job, and won’t get bored in work. Or you can go with any other reason that helps you to maintain your motivation and focus.


12⟩ As you know communication is important in this position. Describe a time when you used your communications skills to resolve a conflict?

I previously worked as a cashier at a supermarket, and once a customer became very upset that she was not getting a discount she thought she should get. I began explaining that the sale only applied to quantities of 10 or more, but the customer kept interrupting and loudly insisting that I stop trying to rip her off. I made sure to fully listen to her, and I took the time to explain how the sale worked and how she could add more items to qualify for it. After a few minutes, she finally understood. She apologized for her behavior and thanked me for being patient.


13⟩ Explain me have you ever complained to coworkers about management in the past? If so, what did they do wrong?

Interviewers are looking for team players who support their management team by offering positive and constructive feedback where it is due. Begin by telling the interviewer that you like to talk positively about your leadership team with your co-workers recognizing what your managers are great at. Next, mention that you do not complain about your managers, and you might offer constructive feedback if it is necessary. Feel free to provide an example of a time you have done so! For example, you might state that you had a manager who intimidated some of the newer employees because they only talked with the new employees when they had done something wrong. You might share how you pulled your manager aside and explained your perspective offering your friendly feedback. Be sure to mention the success you had with the conversation, and share how appreciative the manager was to receive your feedback.


14⟩ Tell us what are the responsibilities of a cashier?

Cashier responsibilities include handling cash transactions with customers, scanning goods, collecting payments, issuing receipts, refunds, change or tickets and redeeming stamps and coupons.

Previous cashier experience is not necessary for this position, especially if you’re able and willing to put in the time to train new hires. However, previous customer-facing and cash-handling experience is always helpful and desirable.


15⟩ Can you tell us how comfortable are you with checking IDs for alcohol and tobacco?

Federal Law is not only very strict when it comes to alcohol and tobacco sales, it is also very strict when it comes to identifying or carding those who purchase those items. It is a serious duty that should be seriously considered. It is good to remember, however, that if you are not comfortable checking IDs for alcohol and tobacco then you shouldn’t say you are. Alcohol and tobacco are commonly purchased items, so you are sure to see them come down your conveyor belt or across your counter.


16⟩ Suppose a coworker calls in sick leaving you to work the shift alone with long lines. What do you do?

This is your opportunity to show the interviewer that you are not flustered easily and still work well under stress and pressure.

"The key is to prepare for the shift ahead both mentally and strategically. I would still provide exceptional customer service, but also adjust my work style to be faster paced than usual so that the lines would move quickly. A positive attitude and great service can outweigh a slight wait in line. If after some time the lines were still long, I would consult with my manager about calling in another coworker to help cover the shift."


19⟩ Basic Hospital Cashier Job Interview Questions

☛ What other customer-facing experience do you have?

☛ Describe your experience with cash-handling.

☛ This job involves repetitive tasks. How do you stay motivated?

☛ Walk us through a typical day at your last job. What were your responsibilities?

☛ Tell us about a time you made a suggestion that saved time, money, or improved revenue.

☛ What would you do if you knew that you would be extremely late for your shift?

☛ How would you deal with a co-worker who wasn’t doing their share of the work?

☛ What would you do if you had a slow day at work? How would you spend your time?

☛ Describe a time you had a disagreement with your supervisor. How did you resolve the situation?

☛ A customer tries to combine two offers that cannot be combined. How would you handle it?

☛ A customer wishes to return an item for a refund. What procedure do you follow?

☛ A customer has a question, but you don’t know the answer. What are your next steps?

☛ Describe a time you went above and beyond to deliver excellent customer service.