Hospital Cashier

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“Hospital Cashier related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Hospital Cashier. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

57 Hospital Cashier Questions And Answers

21⟩ Tell me are you ready to handle angry people? If a supervisor asked you to change the way your job was performed even though you knew you were doing it right, what would you do?

You should respect the hierarchy. It is the duty of the supervisor the consider the quality of your work, and to tell you how to do it. They will be responsible for any negative effects, not you. Say that you would follow their orders.


22⟩ Tell me in this position, you will regularly handle cash and charge cards. Can you talk about your integrity and why honesty is important?

First, I believe it is my responsibility as a human being to treat other people and their possessions with the same respect with which I hope to be treated. Secondly, I believe that it would be my responsibility as an employee of this company to protect both the company’s assets and its reputation. I could never choose personal gain through dishonesty over performing my job with integrity.


24⟩ Explain me do you prefer working alone or on a team? Why?

In any job, being able to work with a team and get along with others is important. However, make it clear to the interviewer that you can still accomplish goals successfully on your own.

"I work highly effectively alone, however I prefer to work on a team because it can be extremely beneficial. I feel that collaborating with others allows for more ideas and higher efficiency and speed. If we're all working well together, it will be apparent to our customers and reflect well on the company."


25⟩ Explain me how flexible is your schedule?

The key to both of these cashier interview questions and answers is your willingness to be flexible. You will most likely be working in a store with more than a couple of other cashiers who will call in sick at some point. This means that there may be more opportunities for you to pick up extra hours. This could also mean that the store will need you to work when you may not want to. Be open about what works for you and what doesn’t in regard to days of the week, time of day, and shift length. If you are flexible, say so. Companies will be more likely to hire someone that can work a little extra or on short notice.


26⟩ Explain me about A Problem You Faced As A Cashier And How You Overcame It?

It was the annual closing when I had worked only two weeks at my first job. While balancing the cash there was a major discrepancy that just wouldn’t resolve. I solved the problem by conveying it effectively to the management, taking guidance, following instructions and remaining calm. On checking and rechecking several times, I found out the wrong entry. I perform balancing daily ever since.


28⟩ As you know attention to detail and efficiency are both important in this position. How will you ensure you have high levels of both accuracy and speed?

I have several years of experience as a cashier, so I have sharpened my ability to perform at a high level. One of the most important techniques I employ is to focus completely on the task at hand instead of letting my mind wander. It’s easy to daydream when doing repetitive tasks, but I fight this tendency by maintaining cheerful interaction with customers while still keeping things moving quickly.


29⟩ Can you explain me about a problem you faced as a cashier and how you overcame it?

It was the annual closing when I had worked only two weeks at my first job. While balancing the cash there was a major discrepancy that just wouldn’t resolve. I solved the problem by conveying it effectively to the management, taking guidance, following instructions and remaining calm. On checking and rechecking several times, I found out the wrong entry. I perform balancing daily ever since.


30⟩ Tell us have you ever been tardy for work before?

I was stuck on the interstate due to an accident one-time last year. I was sitting in stand still traffic for 25 minutes. I called my manager right away to let her know I was in stand still traffic, and I notified her that I would be in as soon as possible. I am typically always on time, so she had no concerns with it since it was outside of my control.


32⟩ Tell us why do you think you can be a good cashier?

Say that you are responsible, do not mind routine work, and will learn the job quickly. If you had the same position before you can emphasize that you enjoyed it, and can handle the cash counter with a good speed.


35⟩ Explain me why did you leave your last job as Hospital Cashier?

This falls among the most tricky interview questions and answers of all time. If you are a fresh graduate then you need not worry about this particular question. But if you were recently fired, quit unceremoniously or resigned to start your own business but things didn’t work out, then you should worry about how to answer this interview question.

For those who were fired, you must own up to it and let the potential employer know you have taken measures to make sure you don’t go down the same road. If you quit, then tell the employers why and link your reason to what the current role is offering.


36⟩ Tell us how would you define excellent customer service?

Excellent customer service begins with greeting the clients and assisting them in finding what they are looking for. Providing detailed information regarding the products they are interested in along with specifications and prices is the most important component of excellent customer service.


37⟩ Can you please differentiate between discount and rebate?

Discounts are given at the time of purchase while rebates are given after the purchase has been made. Once the customer has paid the full amount, they are refunded the rebate amount after some documentation. Discounts and rebates, both imply that the customer has to pay less than the actual price for the merchandise bought.


38⟩ Explain me a time you provided excellent customer service?

Employers look for candidates that can do their jobs well, while keeping the customers happy. Recall a past situation where you went above and beyond to give great service.

"A customer came in looking for a product she saw online, however we did not carry it in stores. I apologized and explained that our store inventory differed from our online inventory. I showed her a similar product in our store that she could purchase. As well as offering her the option of free express shipping on the online product just in case she was sold on that specific one. I allowed her to choose whichever was most convenient for her to show we were willing to do whatever it took for her to leave a happy customer."


39⟩ Tell us are you comfortable handling money?

The main role of a cashier is to handle customer's transactions so you need to show that you can be trusted with money and are comfortable doing such.

"Handling money is expected to be my primary duty. I have no problem with that responsibility. I've worked as a cashier for three years and have experience counting back change and balancing my cash register. A customer has never had an issue and my register has never come up short."


40⟩ Explain me how Would You Define Excellent Customer Service?

Excellent customer service begins with greeting the clients and assisting them in finding what they are looking for. Providing detailed information regarding the products they are interested in along with specifications and prices is the most important component of excellent customer service.