Hospital Cashier

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“Hospital Cashier related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Hospital Cashier. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

57 Hospital Cashier Questions And Answers

41⟩ Can you tell us how are you with handling money?

A key part of a cashier's job is handling money, so trustworthiness and integrity are important. In your answer, highlight your experience managing money, your past employers' feedback on your honesty and your accuracy in managing the cash drawer.


42⟩ Tell us why do you want to work for us as Hospital Cashier?

An alternative to this interview question would be why do you want this job? When faced with this question, the first thing to remember is that the employer or interviewer is interested in your motivation.

Think back to the time you encountered the position, what convinced you to submit an application? Use that in your answer and remember to add why you think the company is a best fit for you. Employers enjoy a little flattery.


43⟩ Explain of A Particularly Difficult Situation That You Handled Involving Customer?

At Macy’s, a customer got quite antsy when he realized that he did not get the change that he was supposed to. He gave me a $100 bill and I was required to return $20 to him but accidentally gave him $10. He got very upset and asked to see a supervisor. I apologized but did not offer too much of an explanation of my error as I somehow gauged he was too upset to listen to me. I called my supervisor before the situation got out of hand.


45⟩ Can you please explain if a coworker calls out sick and you're on your own?

This is a common issue in service industries. When short-staffed, you can face long lines and frustrated customers. In this situation, it's important you recognize the role of politeness and efficiency. If even working at your fastest the lines keep lengthening, you need to tell the employer you would consult with your manager about calling in other workers or asking other employees to take over another register.

It may be tempting to answer this question by emphasizing your ability to handle ever-increasing volumes of customers, but even the world’s fastest cashier needs help now and then. The hiring manager doesn’t want a candidate who insists that he or she can do everything without help, that’s just not realistic.


46⟩ Tell us what does customer service mean to you?

You and your coworkers represent the company you work for everyday to the people who come in. You’ve probably experienced various levels of customer service yourself. Pull from these experiences to describe exactly how you’d want to be treated by a cashier. This is the most important of the four cashier interview questions and answers. A good answer to this might be that customer service means keeping a smile, greeting everyone kindly, and providing assistance whenever necessary.


48⟩ Explain me a situation when you found it hard to be courteous?

Perhaps you didn’t like some customer, or someone was really rude with you, or had stupid remarks. It is completely natural to find it hard to be courteous in such a situation. But you should say that you still tried your best, since it is important to maintain a good level of customer satisfaction.


49⟩ Can you differentiate Between Discount And Rebate?

Discounts are given at the time of purchase while rebates are given after the purchase has been made. Once the customer has paid the full amount, they are refunded the rebate amount after some documentation. Discounts and rebates, both imply that the customer has to pay less than the actual price for the merchandise bought.


50⟩ As you know this position requires both emotional and physical stamina. How do you deal with stress on the job?

My primary strategy for dealing with stress is to focus on the parts of my job I can control while not worrying about the parts out of my control. This allows me to devote all my energy to being the best employee I can be. Additionally, I mentally compartmentalize stress to keep problems from one area of work or life from affecting other areas.


51⟩ Tell us how would you describe excellent customer service?

As a cashier, you will constantly be interacting with customers. It's crucial that you provide quality service and that your description is in sync with how the employer views customer service.

"I would define excellent customer service as doing whatever is necessary to keep the customer happy. Whether it's greeting them with a smile, ensuring they have everything they need, or providing them with assistance. It also means resolving any issues that may arise, no matter who was at fault."