
Question and Answer:

  Home  Pediatrician

⟩ Holistic Health Interview Questions

☛ What are your views on alternative/natural/holistic medicine? (Chiropractors, acupuncture, etc.)

☛ What is your policy on antibiotics? (Does the doctor try alternatives before prescribing antibiotics?)

☛ Do you welcome patients who do not vaccinate or vaccinate on a delayed/alternative schedule?

☛ Do you feel there are adverse reactions to vaccines? If so, do you report them to VAERS?

☛ What percentage of your patients are circumcised?

☛ Do you provide parents with information about circumcision (the functions of the foreskin, possible problems associated with circumcision, the AAP’s stance, etc.)?

☛ Do you perform circumcisions on males? Why or why not?

☛ Do you perform circumcisions on females? Why or why not?

☛ Do you feel it is helpful to retract (or “pull back just a little”) a boy’s foreskin for any reason?

☛ Have you been educated on the proper care of intact boys?

☛ Have you ever recommended circumcision for an intact boy later in life?


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