
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Work Based Trainee Engineer Job Interview Questions

β˜› Why do you want to join our company?

β˜› What do you think we do here? What is the role of an engineer?

β˜› Outline the career progression of an engineer.

β˜› What do you hope to achieve working for this company?

β˜› How can you demonstrate this company’s values?

β˜› What significant value adding tasks have you performed before?

β˜› What was your favourite and least favourite project you've ever done?

β˜› How do you employ problem solving skills in practical situations?

β˜› What do you think innovation is? And how would you apply it in the workplace?

β˜› Give an example of a time where you demonstrated good attention to detail.

β˜› Give an example of an unsafe situation and how you rectified it.


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