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“Trainee Engineer based Frequently Asked Questions in various Trainee Engineer job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

40 Trainee Engineer Questions And Answers

1⟩ Technical Trainee Engineer Job Interview Questions

☛ What is your knowledge of basic engineering principles and techniques?

☛ What engineering concepts are you familiar with?

☛ What are the softwares you use?

☛ Describe the engineering design process.

☛ Describe system and requirements analysis.

☛ Describe how to fix a basic LED schematic.

☛ Draw a bending moment diagram for a structure.

☛ Describe how to test a circuit board.

☛ How would you design a tower out of these pieces of spaghetti?

☛ If I represent the City of Sydney wanting to redevelop a landfill site, what questions would you ask of me to formulate your bid for acquiring that work as a designer?

☛ What is your knowledge of the Sydney basin?

☛ How would you help the issue of water scarcity in Australia if funding happens to be limited?


4⟩ Tell me how has your internship experience prepared you for the position you’re applying to?

If you don’t have internship experience, feel free to skip this one, as they probably won’t ask it. Otherwise, if your internship experience was directly relevant to the current role you’re applying for (i.e. the same general work), your answer should focus on the specifics of the internship work. Otherwise, it’s wise to focus on any experience you had working on a team, meeting deadlines, and communicating effectively.


8⟩ Tell me a time you’ve combined practical and technical ability in a project?

Learning about risk management was part of my degree, but I never had to use it until a couple of months ago – when a plot of commercial land my team and I were working on was damaged by large-scale flooding. I had to put my skills into practice fast, and learn as I went along. Eventually, we fixed the problem, and our quick thinking was even able to save the company money.


9⟩ Tell us why are you interested in the role?

This is a fairly standard question, that spans across all sectors. What the employer really wants from you is to show how much you know (or how much you’ve researched) about the company. When answering, talk about the reputation of the organisation. Do they have progression opportunities? Training schemes?


10⟩ Explain me how would you inspire high levels of employee engagement in your team(s)?

This is a good opportunity to discuss your methods and approaches to leadership and management. It’s also a good chance to provide an example of a time you really excelled when leading a team.

Discuss which methods you have used to inspire engagement amongst your workers, such as benefits, team spirit and a level of recognition for good work. It’s good to express an understanding of how people work best, and how these methods of encouragement often vary with different personality types.


12⟩ Tell me why did you choose the major that you did?

You probably didn’t make a snap decision to major in your major. You likely chose it because you found it interesting, challenging, or thought it would lead to a promising career. The only key to answering this question is knowing why you chose your major and communicating that reasoning clearly. Be honest, even if your reasoning doesn’t seem interesting. It’s better to be honest to yourself and the employer up front than attempt to tell them what you think they want to hear.


13⟩ Explain me what classwork has best prepared you for this role?

If you have group project experience, highlight it now. Focus on your role on a team and how you know how to be a team player. If there are classes with specific knowledge that directly prepared you for this role, you’re in luck, that’s another easy answer to this question.


15⟩ Tell us what did you want to do when you were young?

Here, the employer is determining your level of commitment. If your career is unplanned, they may consider your commitment to long-term positions less stable. Start with your earliest memory of interest in your chosen career, describe how you got from there to where you are today, have you taken part in any research? Any notable events?


16⟩ Please explain how do you ensure you don’t make mistakes on the job?

I think communication is essential to avoid mistakes, and can even help to spot them. During a recent project, I was having trouble understanding the feasibility of a technical drawing I’d been sent to work on. And because email chains can often get messy and confusing, I set up a face-to-face meeting with the team to talk it through. Not only did we manage to get on the same page, we also ended up catching a mistake, potentially saving hundreds of hours of the team’s time.


18⟩ Please explain how do you keep yourself organized?

Engineers juggle multiple projects. Keeping projects on time and on budget is critical. Your interviewer wants to know that you have good organization skills so that when it gets busy, you’ll be able to manage the work


20⟩ Work Based Trainee Engineer Job Interview Questions

☛ Why do you want to join our company?

☛ What do you think we do here? What is the role of an engineer?

☛ Outline the career progression of an engineer.

☛ What do you hope to achieve working for this company?

☛ How can you demonstrate this company’s values?

☛ What significant value adding tasks have you performed before?

☛ What was your favourite and least favourite project you've ever done?

☛ How do you employ problem solving skills in practical situations?

☛ What do you think innovation is? And how would you apply it in the workplace?

☛ Give an example of a time where you demonstrated good attention to detail.

☛ Give an example of an unsafe situation and how you rectified it.