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“Trainee Engineer based Frequently Asked Questions in various Trainee Engineer job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

40 Trainee Engineer Questions And Answers

21⟩ Personal Trainee Engineer Job Interview Questions

☛ Why did you choose engineering?

☛ Do you do any engineering related activities outside of work?

☛ What motivates you? What makes you stand out?

☛ What subjects did you like at uni and why?

☛ If you retired tomorrow, what would you want to be known for?


23⟩ Tell us the most significant written technical report or presentation that you have had to complete?

If you have had experience in the engineering sector then an example from that time would be best, but an academic example would also be good and would probably provide you with the most to talk about. This is an opportunity to really talk yourself up, so extend your answer and go into detail. Discuss the skills that you used in the project and say how those skills would be transferable and beneficial to a potential employer.


25⟩ Tell us where do you see yourself in five years’ time and how to plan to get there?

This can be a bit of a trick question and the interviewer they may be testing your commitment to the role you are about to take on, and whether your ambitions tie in with the scope of their plans. You could say that the role you are applying for combines all the skills you have learned so far as well as presenting the opportunity to progress in your sector.


27⟩ Explain me a time when you confronted a problem that really tested your engineering know-how?

For most graduates the use of an academic example would be best here unless they have taken relevant work experience and can therefore use a practical example. This question gives you a good opportunity to display your knowledge about engineering and discuss skills that you possess which an employer would value. The ability to problem solve effectively is key to an employer so go into depth on how the overcame initial difficulties.


28⟩ Tell us how would you assess your writing and communication skills?

This is not a question that mid or senior-level applicants ever get asked. Writing and communication in school is very different from that in the professional world and the employer is checking to make sure you know the difference. If you’ve had experience communicating with full-time employees in your internship, let them know. Otherwise, hammer home the point that you know how to write clearly, concisely, and respectfully.


29⟩ Explain me if you could be anything in the world what would you be?

This is essentially a way of telling how happy you’d be in the real role compared to your dream role. It’s also a way of the company telling whether the candidates aims are in sync with the offer on the table. Again, research is key. Answer in a way that is aligned with the way the company operates. Does the company offer appealing work, technology and advanced career opportunities? Mention those. Refrain from mentioning benefits or schemes the company does not offer.


31⟩ Tell us what skills and abilities do you think are essential for an engineer?

Obviously excellent problem solving and communication skills are absolutely vital for any engineer. But I think good judgement is also really underrated. Even with all the right training, you need the experience to tell exactly what’s needed for a project – not to mention have the bravery to ask for help or go back to the drawing board when things aren’t working.


32⟩ Explain me what makes you a good leader?

It’s best to not focus on behaviour of previous bosses you might not have got on with; you’ll look like you’re harbouring resentment and that won’t work in your favour. It is however, fine to praise the traits of a good leader or manager you’ve had in the past. Think about what traits a good manager has. A good answer would be something along the lines of: “I appreciate when managers and leaders are understanding of the needs of their employees, as well as knowledgeable about their strengths. This builds a strong team.”


35⟩ What is your greatest weakness as Trainee Engineer?

The interviewer knows that everyone, including you, has a weakness—and probably more than one. To provide a good answer to this question, you should focus on a non-essential skill, highlight skills you have improved, and turn a negative into a positive


39⟩ Explain me why are you interested in this role?

Stating a clear and concise answer here is crucial. The employer is looking to see that you are interested and ready to invest your time into such an opportunity. Be specific about your goals and expectations, discuss how you believe your qualifications are in-line with those required of the position, and be ready to explain why you chose this particular company when applying.


40⟩ Tell us what is your favorite/least favorite part of engineering?

My favourite part has to be the practical elements of the job, especially when I solve problems hands-on to make a machine work. I’m not always a massive fan of the tedious paperwork side of things, but I also understand that it’s key to the smooth running of any project. You can’t have one without the other.