
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Operational and Situational Cooking Chef Interview Questions

► What kind of formal training have you have?

► How would you describe the difference between broiling and braising?

► What dishes best showcase your creativity?

► What would you do if you were cooking and realized that you didn't have all the ingredients you needed to make a dish?

► What would you do if you were shopping and couldn't find the right brand of an ingredient for your recipe?

► How do you make sure that shift changes go smoothly?

► How do you respond to increases or decreases in customer flow?

► Describe the busiest times at your previous restaurant. How did you go the extra mile to help out?

► What are the least busy times? What do you do with your extra time?

► What would you do if you were on your way to work and your car broke down?

► How would you handle negative feedback from a customer about the food?

► Describe a time you went out of your way to please a customer.

► Describe a time you helped a co-worker finish a job on time.

► Describe a time you disagreed with your manager. How did you handle it?


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