⟩ What do you know about human resource?
The personnel of a business or organization, regarded as a significant asset in terms of skills and abilities.
The personnel of a business or organization, regarded as a significant asset in terms of skills and abilities.
Fresh HR Generalist Job Interview Questions
Tell us which trends in benefits are you excited about? Why? What trends do you hope to see?
Tell us what Are The Steps In Processing A Suspension Or Termination Of An Employee?
Tell us what Exactly Profile Of Hr Generalist Defines? Or What Do You Understand From The Profile Of Hr Generalist?
Do you know the Grievance Process?
As you know you do not have all the experience we need for this position?
Can you tell me what irritates you about co-workers?
Tell me have you ever committed a mistake at work?
Tell us what is your experience in employee safety and welfare matters?
Explain me what Do You Mean By An Organization’s Retrenchment And Retrenchment Strategies?