⟩ Offer as much support as possible
Provide people with transition support. Here are five examples: 1) Redeployment: Is there another area of the company or another location that can absorb some of those affected? Can training be offered to fill a need in another area? 2) Separation package: Even if the cutbacks are fiscally based, provide a separation package that includes financial benefits, and career transition support. 3) Reaching out to other employers: Contact other employers to make them aware of the staff affected. Do they have open positions some of the employees could fill? 4) Engage a career transition firm with a proven record of delivering value to affected individuals. They try to get those affected by the RIF into the right roles in the best timeframe. 5) Employment Assistance Program can help people deal with the separation and move on. The organization benefits from having logistical support when many people are being asked to coordinate events. The individuals notified benefit from having a person to speak to who can address the impact of RIF.