⟩ Structured design produces computer programs that are A. easily B. maintained C. easily understood D. both (a) and (b)
D. both (a) and (b)
D. both (a) and (b)
Tell me what is your technical expertise in this field?
Positive testing is A. running the system with line data by the actual user B. making sure that the new programs do in fact process certain transactions according to Specifications C. is checking the logic of one or more programs in the candidate system D. testing changes made in an existing or a new program E. None of the above
Would you provide the documentation required by the system analyst?
Data Definition Language (DDL) A. describes how data are structured in the data base B. specifies for the DBMS what is required; the techniques used to process data C. determine how data must be structured to produce the user's view D. All of the above
During the maintenance phase A. System requirements are established B. System analysis is carried out C. Programs are tested D. All of the above E. None of the above
In phase 1 of the system development life cycle, which of the following aspects are usually analyzed? A. outputs B. input (transactions) C. controls D. All of the above E. None of the above
Problem analysis is done during A. system design phase B. systems analysis phase C. before system test D. All of the above E. None of the above
The mistake, committed by interchanging two digits in a numeric held, during data entry, is called A. transposition error B. transcription error C. Beta testing error D. Alpha testing error E. None of the above
Top-down programming is A. a group of related fields B. a map of the programmer's view of the data C. an approach in which the top module is first tested then program modules are added from the highest level to the lowest level D. a series or group of components that perform one or more operations of a more complex system E. None of the above
Decision tree uses A. pictorial depiction of alternate conditions B. nodes and branches C. consequences of various depicted alternates D. All of the above E. None of the above