⟩ Do you know how to run reports? Can you customize reports?
Since I have worked extensively with most common billing software, I am comfortable with both manual and automated reports generation processes
Since I have worked extensively with most common billing software, I am comfortable with both manual and automated reports generation processes
Tell me when have you dealt with an angry customer before? How do you handle such situations?
Tell me how many insurance companies do you represent? How long have you worked with each company?
As you know this job requires flexibility and sudden changes to your schedule. How do you plan on handling the stress of the position?
Explain about your post-secondary education. What was your best course, and which one gave you the most difficulty?
Tell me what continuing education classes have you taken? What credentials, if any, do you have?
Please explain about a fraudulent claim you discovered. What action steps did you take?
Explain me what steps do you go through when you investigate a claim?
Suppose if you could re-do any of your insurance courses, which one would you choose and why?
Explain about a time that you went out of your way to assist a colleague. What satisfaction did you get from your actions?
Explain me about a time when you had to negotiate with someone and you wound up giving in. What would you do differently next time?