⟩ What are introspection API in java beans?
The JavaBeans API architecture supplies a set of classes and interfaces to provide introspection.
The BeanInfo (in the API reference documentation) interface of the java.beans package defines a set of methods that allow bean implementors to provide explicit information about their beans. By specifying BeanInfo for a bean component, a developer can hide methods, specify an icon for the toolbox, provide descriptive names for properties, define which properties are bound properties, and much more.
The getBeanInfo(beanName) (in the API reference documentation) of the Introspector (in the API reference documentation) class can be used by builder tools and other automated environments to provide detailed information about a bean. The getBeanInfo method relies on the naming conventions for the bean's properties, events, and methods. A call to getBeanInfo results in the introspection process analyzing the bean?s classes and superclasses.