⟩ What are your career goals as Cameraman?
To own a production company or become apart of an AV touring crew.
To own a production company or become apart of an AV touring crew.
Tell me how do you follow major news stories?
Tell me an example of when you have worked as part of a team to get something done?
Tell me what’s a typical workweek like?
Tell me what would you do if someone called the newsroom and said there was an explosion in a nearby town?
Interview Questions From Editor
Tell us what is a common misconception people have about what you do?
What did you do at ABC internship?
Explain about your post-secondary education. What was your favorite course? Which was your most challenging?
Explain an example of a time when you had to edit or write a piece under a strict deadline. How did you ensure that you met the deadline?
General Editor Job Interview Questions