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“Cameraman Frequently Asked Questions in various Camera Man job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

55 Cameraman Questions And Answers

1⟩ Do you know what Is the ISO?

You might have heard photographers talking about their ISO. What ISO denotes is how sensitive the image sensor is to the amount of light present. For example, in solid daylight you should often never need to go over an ISO of 100. Whereas at night, when there is little light, you might have to set it to around 800.


3⟩ Tell me why are you leaving or have left your job?

There are many different reasons for leaving a job. You could be moving on because you want more opportunities for growth, you may be looking for a salary increase, perhaps you're relocating, or you have another reason you're leaving your job. Be consistent in your answer when meeting with representatives of a prospective employer, because they may compare notes.


5⟩ Explain me what equipment do you prefer to use?

There is not a wrong answer to this question. Some photographers prefer digital cameras and equipment, while others enjoy darkrooms and manual film developing. State your favorite set up, but also mention any proficiency with other common pieces of equipment. This multifaceted response will show that you are a knowledgeable professional who has technical flexibility. As a candidate, you will stand out more if you can showcase a certain degree of versatility.


6⟩ Tell me what did you like or dislike about your previous job?

What you liked - and what you didn't like - about your last job or the company you worked for is an indicator of how you might feel about this position if you were to be hired. Be careful what you say when you're interviewing for a role similar to your last one. It's important to be positive and enthusiastic about the job for which you're being considered.


7⟩ Tell me what Is Live View?

When purchasing a camera, you might come across the term “live view” this simply means that you view the image you wish to photograph on the camera's LCD screen, then you simply hit the shutter to capture that image. For some, this is preferable to looking through a viewfinder.


8⟩ Do you know what Is a Telephoto Lens?

A telephoto lens is a lens designed to photograph long distances - an average telephoto lens can be from 70-200mm or 100-300mm, some even go up to 500mm. The advantages are clear when photographing sports or wildlife in which you are unable to get near to your subject.


9⟩ Tell me what were your responsibilities?

Know what's on your resume, so you can discuss what you did at the other jobs you've held. When you're describing your responsibilities, try to mention those that match the new job's requirements.


10⟩ Tell us how do you handle stress and pressure?

What you do when work gets stressful? Do you stay calm under pressure? Or do you have a difficult time in stressful situations?

If you're interviewing for a high-pressure position, the interviewer will want to know that you can deal with the stress.


14⟩ Tell me what Is a ND Grad?

ND grad is a shorter way of writing neutral density gradient filter. These are placed in front of the lens in order to make sure areas are not over exposed. The most common use is in landscape photography when dealing with blue skies.

Often you might take a photo and return home to find the sky is just white. A neutral density filter is designed to stop light passing through it and therefore makes the image look perfect.


16⟩ Do you know how Do I Print My Images?

Often, big supermarkets or camera shops contain a printing department where you can plug in your camera, SD, flash card etc and then upload your photos to their system. You then select the size and then they will print them. They often charge less if you print more, so make sure you take a fair few images.


17⟩ Please explain how do you evaluate success?

Your answer to this question will give the interviewer a sense of your work ethic, your career goals, and your life goals. Tailor your response to fit what you expect to achieve if you were to be hired by this employer.


18⟩ Tell me what Is the Aperture?

Aperture was the one thing I struggled with when first starting photography, even though it is very simple. The aperture lets more or less light into the camera, but even more importantly, the aperture sets the depth of field. When taking portraits you might want the background to be out of focus, so you simply select a larger aperture in order to do this.


19⟩ Explain me what Is Shutter Speed?

You set your shutter speed in order to tell the camera how much light you want to enter into the camera. A shutter speed of 1/100th of a second is better for shooting high speed action, most commonly sports, whereas as a shutter speed of 30 seconds will allow you to capture photos of light streaks.