⟩ Operational and Situational Editor Job Interview Questions
☛ Everyone needs a break. What do you read on your own time?
☛ How has your work experience prepared you for this position?
☛ How do you sustain interest in even the most mundane aspects of editing – proofreading, fact-checking, source-checking, etc?
☛ What social media platforms work well for increasing the reach of your content?
☛ How much do you know about SEO?
☛ What publishing platforms have you used before?
☛ How do you go about hiring talented people for your team?
☛ Which style guides do you prefer?
☛ Describe your experience with creating style guides.
☛ What advice would you give writers trying to pitch stories to your publication?
☛ What topics would you want to cover in an editorial calendar from October to December?
☛ What’s your approach to giving constructive feedback to a fellow writer?
☛ How do you motivate your team in the face of tight deadlines?
☛ What would you do if you or a member of your team made a very public error or created a PR crisis? How would you handle it?
☛ How would you describe the voice of our brand?
☛ What is one thing you’d change about our publication?