⟩ Tell me what is the most recent skill that you have learned?
I had worked with almost everything except building scaffolding which I had the opportunity to learn three months ago for a construction project.
I had worked with almost everything except building scaffolding which I had the opportunity to learn three months ago for a construction project.
Tell me how do unions get bargaining rights?
Explain what is the normal procedure to use expedited arbitration?
Explain must there be a strike or lock-out vote before a strike or lock-out can take place?
Explain what are the characteristic features of collective bargaining?
Explain what power does the arbitrator or arbitration board have?
Explain and Classify the functions performed by trade unions?
Explain what is expedited arbitration?
Tell us when can a union apply for certification?
Explain what is marxist perspective of IR system?
Tell me when is a strike or lock-out illegal?