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“Contract Labour based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as Contract Labour. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

43 Contract Labour Questions And Answers

1⟩ Contract Labour Based Job Interview Questions

► What Are The Differences Between Contract Labour And Outsourcing? Which Is A Better Option And Why?

► Is Contract Labour Act Applicable When Jobs And Services Are Outsourced?

► What Is The Liability For Staff Engaged Through Manpower Agency?

► Is Contract Labour Act Applicable To Seasonal Labour?

► What Is A "Sham" Contract?

► What Are Non-Perennial And No-Non-Permanent Jobs Which Can Be Assigned To Contract Labor?

► Each Contractor Engaging Less Than 20 But Together They Engage More Than 20. Will The Provisions Of Registration, Licensing And Other Statutory Provisions Apply?

► If A Contractor Engages A Sub-Contractor, Who Is The Principal Employer?

► How To Convert Labour Supply Contract Into Job Contract?

► Can And Should Employer Have A Say In The Number And Selection Of Contract Labour?

► Can We Engage Contract Labour In Place Of Permanent Employee?

► Can And Should We Engage Contract Labour In Manufacturing Jobs? What Is The Risk Involved?

► Should The Contractor Issue Appointment Letter To Contract Labour?

► Is It Necessary And Desirable To Issue Employment Card/Gate Pass/Identity Card To Contract Labour? If So Under Whose Authority/Signature? What Are The Safeguards Required?

► Can We Have Permanent Employees And Contract Labour Working Side By Side On The Same Job?

► What Is The Best Ratio Between Permanent Employees And Contract Labour? Can We Engage 100% Contract Labour?

► Should Contractor And Contract Labour Be Rotated? Why? How Often?

► Can We Have Different Wages And Other Terms For Permanent Employees And Contract Labour Doing The Same Or Similar Job?

► Can We Transfer Casuals/Temporaries On The Rolls Of Contractor?

► Application And Implication Of P.F., ESI, Bonus, Gratuity And Other Benefits To Contract Labour And How To Ensure Compliance?

► How To Ensure Submission Of PF And ESI Returns By The Contractor?

► How To Get A New Code/Sub-Code Number From PF Authorities?

► Security, Housekeeping, Drivers, Canteens, Horticulture Etc. On Contract/Voucher Payment. Sustainability? Case Laws?

► What Is The Liability Of Principal Employer For Injury, Illness, Disability, Death Etc.

► Who Is To Take Disciplinary Action Against Contract Labour? Under What Rules? Are Standing Orders Applicable To Contract Labour?


2⟩ Tell me what do you know about our company and why do you want to work here?

You will need to prepare for this typical job interview question far in advance in order to ensure that you are comfortable discussing the employers company. Don't be a know it all, you are talking with someone who may have been part of the company for several years and will know greater detail that you will. Never argue about details and be open to correction should you have interpreted research information incorrectly. When answering the reason for you wanting to join their establishment specify what interests you about the industry or company and how you feel you could contribute to its longevity. Express admiration and respect for the company and include an explanation as to what value you feel you will be able to bring to the company that other candidates may not be able to. Try to get a good understanding of the company's objective as well as their vision and mission and how you plan on sustaining this or improving on it, based on your relevant skills and attributes.


4⟩ Tell me what have you done in the past or doing now that will ensure that you reach your 5 year goal?

I have been actively learning the ropes over the years, especially where training on equipment is concerned. Additionally, I am quite an insightful person and have been mentally recording the way teams are trained, nurtured and led in this field. I have also taken up an extensive course in construction which is sure to aid me with my future objectives.


5⟩ Please tell me about yourself?

Although your first instinct might be to start by describing your interests and hobbies, remember where you are. You are in a job interview with the sole purpose of being hired. The information that you should detail when asked this question is to begin by describing yourself in a work situation. Prepare a summary of your work experience as well as your career achievements. Briefly detail your education accomplishments as well as any other accomplishment or transferrable skills that are relevant to the job vacancy. Only once you have discussed information that is specific to the available position, should you then give a short explanation about your interests and character traits.


7⟩ Tell me about what are your strengths and weaknesses?

Although this question may seem as though you should answer with a positive answer for your strengths and a negative for your weaknesses, try to give two positive answers. When discussing your strengths highlight roughly three positive attributes or strengths that specifically apply to the available post based on what you consider to be the recruiter's specific requirements. When indicating your weaknesses, never detail a character defect or poor performance areas that have no opportunity to be improved on. Rather, try to explain where you identified a problem area where you were able to remedy this and explain how you did so.


8⟩ Basic General labor interview questions

☛ Have you ever had to deal with conflicting deadlines?

☛ Do you work well under pressure?

☛ Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?

☛ Do you think you are overqualified for this position?

☛ A team experience you found disappointing.

Ask a friend or relative of yours to help you practice answering General labor interview questions. Be relaxed. Don't overstress yourself. A comfortable mind shall generate a good outcome. Find out about which type of interview it is, how many interviewers and candidates there are, it is a formal interview or informal one.


9⟩ Tell us how do you deal with conflict or criticism?

Always answer this frequently asked question with a positive approach. Explain where you may have experienced conflict in the workplace in the past and how you dealt with it. Explain in a positive light, how you managed this conflict and what you learnt from the experience. The job interviewer is looking to identify areas where you may experience a problem when working with difficult personalities and how well you handle negative situations and reverse them into positive ones. Never say never and always be open to the idea that you are willing and able to learn from each working experience - whether positive or negative.


11⟩ Describe a short term goal you have set for yourself and how you intend on achieving this goal?

A short term goal generally falls within a one to two year delivery period. The goals that you describe should be career focussed, based on areas where you would like to improve on a skill or achieve a qualification that will boost your career growth. When answering to how you intend on achieving these goals to the employer, never leave a door closed. Opportunity and drive is your number one objective in order to achieve any goal and this is why your explanation needs to be realistic and attainable within this short period. By displaying your enthusiasm and desire to succeed, this will indicate to the employer that you are a motivated and inspired employee.


13⟩ Qualifications Based Contract Labour Interview Questions

☛ Tell me about yourself.

☛ How do you think someone who knows you well would describe you?

☛ What is your greatest weakness?

☛ Tell me the contribution you can make to the organization.

☛ Tell me about a professional assignment you've handled.

☛ Tell me about your school experiences.

☛ What was your most rewarding college experience?

☛ Describe your most meaningful work experience.

☛ How do you think someone you have worked with would describe you?

☛ Why are you the most qualified for this position?

☛ Do you have supervisory experience?


14⟩ Basic Contract Labour Job Interview Questions

► Statutory Requirements And Precautions In Awarding Contract For Safeguarding Managements' Interests.

► License Not Renewed But Contractor Continues To Work. Legal Implications Including Permanency?

► Contractor Changing But Contract Labour Not Changing. Implications? Precautions Required?

► Contract Terminated Due To Unsatisfactory Performance Of The Contractor, Contractor Leaves, Can Contract Labour Claim Permanency? What Should Principal Employer Do?

► Contract Labour Terminated Through A Settlement. Should Principal Employer Be A Party?

► What To Do If Contractor Refuses To Pay Labour? Can And Should Principal Employer Pay Contract Labour Directly? Any Risk Involved?

► Action Required To Be Taken By The Management After Abolition Of Contract Labour?

► How To Get Rid Of Contractor And Contract Labour?

► How To Reduce Number Of Contract Labour?

► Do We Have To Make P.F. And ESI Contribution Even For A Few Days Of Casual Employment?

► Contract Labour Demanding Permanency. How To Handle?

► Contract Labour Demanding Similar Benefits As Permanent Employees. Is The Claim Legally Valid?

► Is Pension Scheme Also Applicable To Contract Labour? Details Of Pension Scheme?

► Is Minimum Wages Act Applicable To Contract Labour?

► Can We Split Minimum Wages So As To Reduce PF Liability?

► Is P.F. Is To Be Deducted On Basic Wage, Basic Plus DA Or Total Wage? Elements To Be Included?

► Employed At Rs. 5,000/-. Can The Employee Be Excluded For P.F. After Crossing Rs. 6,500/-?

► What Is The Eligibility For Working Hours, Leave, Holidays, OT Etc. For Contract Labour?

► What Is The Liability Of Principal Employer In The Case Of Sub-Contracting?

► Is There Any Maximum Period Prescribed For Casual, Temporary And Fixed Term Employees, Trainees? Do Breaks In Service Help In Reducing Liability?

► Are Trainees Exempt From P.F. ESI And Minimum Wages? Which Categories?

► Are Standing Orders A Must? How Soon It Is Legally Required To Frame The Standing Orders And Get Certified After Start? After Engagement Of How Many Employees? What Is The Procedure For Certification?

► Employed By One Contractor For Three Years And Another For Next Three Years. Who Will Pay The Gratuity?

► How To Ascertain The Appropriate Govt. - Central Or State?

► What Are The Implications Of Supreme Court Judgment In The Steel Authority (SAIL) Case Reversing Earlier Air India Judgment?


15⟩ Situational General labor interview questions

☛ What parts of your education do you see as relevant to this position?

☛ What have you been doing since your last job?

☛ What relevant experience do you have?

☛ Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager?

☛ How do you think you can make a contribution to this company?

The most important tip is that you have get yourself prepared carefully before the behavioral interview. No matter the question, applicants should provide positive, result-oriented responses. Discuss any attributes that may set you apart from other job candidates.


16⟩ Your Ability To Be Effective In The Work Environment Based Contract Labour Interview Questions

☛ Why do you want this job?

☛ What do you know about this company?

☛ What kind of work environment makes you feel the most comfortable?

☛ How do you determine whether or not you want to work for a particular company?

☛ How are you a team player?

☛ Do you work well under pressure?

☛ How do you handle conflict?

☛ Name a major problem you encountered and describe how you dealt with it.

☛ How competitive are you?

☛ What do you expect from your supervisor?

☛ What qualities should a successful manager demonstrate?

☛ Describe the relationship that should exist between a supervisor and subordinate.


17⟩ Stress based Contract Labour Interview Questions

☛ Would you like to have your boss's job?

☛ Sell me this computer you see on my desk.

☛ Why should I hire you when I could fill this job within the company?

☛ Why weren't you working for so long?

☛ Describe a situation where your work was criticized.

☛ Your resume shows that you were with your last company for a number of years with limited increase in rank or salary. What can you tell me about this?


18⟩ Behavioral General labor interview questions

☛ What do you like and dislike about the job we are discussing?

☛ Has anything ever irritated you about people you've worked with?

☛ What kind of personality do you work best with and why?

☛ What kinds of situations do you find most stressful?

☛ Describe a situation where you had to plan or organise something.


19⟩ Career Goals Based Contract Labour Interview Questions

☛ What are your long term career goals? How are you preparing to achieve them?

☛ What career rewards are most important to you?

☛ How do you spend your spare time?

☛ What are your salary requirements?

☛ Are you willing to relocate?


20⟩ Competency Based General labor interview questions

☛ What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?

☛ What are your expectations regarding promotions and salary increases?

☛ What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?

☛ How do you react to instruction and criticism?

☛ How would you describe the experience of working here?