⟩ Professional Family Lawyer Job Interview Questions
☛ Why do you want to practice law?
☛ Tell us about a time you exhibited independence in your work?
☛ Why did you choose to study [insert subject]?
☛ What was your favourite subject?
☛ Why are you interested in the work that our firm does?
☛ How is our firm distinguished from others?
☛ What current news issues are you following?
☛ What can you bring to the firm?
☛ Why did you leave your previous job?
☛ What do you like to do in your spare time?
☛ What three words would sum you up?
☛ What brought you to law as opposed to commerce or elsewhere?
☛ Who is a role model in your life?
☛ What do you hope to get out of a clerkship at our firm?
☛ What if my morals conflicted with work I was asked to do?
☛ What stands out to you about this firm?
☛ What are your best three and worst three qualities?
☛ Why do you want to work at this firm over another firms? Have you applied to other firms?
☛ Describe a time when you came up with an innovative solution to a problem
☛ What are the cases that our firm worked on that you find particularly interesting?