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⟩ Do you know how big is fish farming in the EU?

More than 80,000 people are already directly employed in European aquaculture, and this figure is expected to grow as more and more of our seafood is provided by EU fish farmers

European Union aquaculture produces around 1.25 million tonnes, more than 20 % of total EU fisheries production, with a total value of EUR 3.6 billion. Its share of total world aquaculture production is 1.5 % in terms of volume and just under 4 % in terms of value

The EU is also a major consumption market of seafood products in the world with 12.3 million tonnes consumed in 2011. Per capita EU consumption is 24.5 kg.

Seafood consumption varies a lot from one Member State to the other. Northern Member States are more focused on processed fish while Southern Member States still favour fresh products and devote a larger part of household expenditures to fish.


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