⟩ Mention how many millilitre is equal to 1 litre and how many microliter is equal to litre?
☛ 1 millilitre = 0.0001 litre
☛ 1 microliter = 0.0000001 litre
☛ 1 millilitre = 0.0001 litre
☛ 1 microliter = 0.0000001 litre
What are three of the six nutrients animals need?
What two colors is the Holstein breed?
What are two important sire selection tools?
Cows of what breed are known for their yellow milk?
How can extra colostrum be kept?
Switzerland is the origin of what dairy breed?
When showing cows, where should the hind foot nearest the judge be when the animal is posed?
How many months prior to breeding a heifer should both leptospirosis and vibriosis vaccinations be given?
How often do most heifers and cows come into heat?
Which vitamin helps to stop bleeding by clotting the blood?