
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Suppose 4 persons a, b , c , d have to go to concert which will held in 17 minutes. there is a bridge which only 2 persons at a time can cross. its night and they have only one flashlight with them. Flashlight cannot be thrown. one person should return with the flashlightall 4 person have different speed. a = crosses bridge in 1 min.b = crosses bridge in 2 min.c = crosses bridge in 5 min.d = crosses bridge in 10 minhow can they all reach in time?Ex- suppose a and d crosses bridge which will take 10 mins and then d returns back with a flashlight which will make 20 mins and mission is failed.?

A and B will cross the bridge. --> 2 mins

A will come back with the flashlight. --> 1 min

C and D will cross the bridge --> 10 mins

B will come back with the flashlight. --> 2 mins

A and B will cross the bridge. --> 2 mins

Total is 17 mins.


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