
Question and Answer:

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Customer Service Based Interview Questions:

► Give me an example of the type of work experience you have had on a day-to-day basis with the public.

► What has been your most rewarding experience dealing with the public/customers?

► What "new way of doing things" did you introduce in your last job in dealing with the public?

► What typical kinds of customer dissatisfaction were inherent in your last job? How did you deal with this?

► What types of things were you able to do to help in alleviating this customer dissatisfaction?

► Give me an example of a time when you were able to help an angry customer with a problem.

► How do you define great customer service?

► What would others say about how you handle customers? Would they want you to wait on them? Did anyone ever ask for you?

► What kind of recommendation would your previous supervisor give you regarding your customer relations skills?

► Do you like working with the general public? Would you prefer to work alone?

► Give me an example when you were praised for your people skills in a past job.

► You have an angry customer that comes up to you. His/her past dealing with the department has been negative. This time he/she is going to get it done right. He/she demands you put him/her on top priority basis. Your department is now running a major project for your supervisor and can't accommodate this customer. How would you handle the customer?

Able to Handle Pressure Based Interview Questions:

► Describe a situation where you were under a great deal of pressure. How did you handle it?

► We have a real pressure-cooker position here. (Explain why) Have you had a position that relates to this situation? How did you handle the pressure?

► Constant pressure gets to all of us after a long period of time. Describe an incident where you did not handle pressure well.

► Did your position have cyclical periods when you were extremely busy and then dead periods? How long did they last? What was it like during both periods of time?

► What flusters you when a deadline is near?

► If I called your supervisor, what would he/she say about your ability to handle pressure? What would he/she say you needed to improve on?

Able to Supervise Employees Based Interview Questions:

► How many people have you supervised at one time? How many were Part-time? Full-time? How long were you their supervisor?

► Did you have the sole responsibility of hiring/firing these people? Did your supervisor have any say in who was hired/fired?

► Give me an example of a time when you handled an employee grievance that resulted in better working relationships.

► Give me an example of a time when you handled a grievance that did not result in better working relationships. What would you have done differently?

► What have you done to motivate your employees? Were they motivated? Give me a time when they were or were not.

► What kind of management style do you take with your employees? How do you treat your employees? How do you resolve discipline problems?

► What would your employees say about you as a manager? Were you an example of what you expected from others?

► How did you elicit cooperation from your employees? Give me an example of a time when an employee would not do what was asked. How did you handle this?

► What is required of a good leader? Which of these skills are you better at? What skills would your supervisor say that you would need to improve upon to be a better leader/supervisor?

Accurate Based Interview Questions:

► Have you ever worked for a supervisor that demanded accuracy of you? What activities required accuracy?

► Suppose we called your supervisor and asked "Is (name) accurate in what he/she does?" What would your supervisor say?

► When it comes to accuracy, what do you need to improve on?

► Could you give me an example of the type of work you did on a day-to-day basis that required accuracy?

► Are you strongest in the areas of accuracy or speed? Why? Working on what?

► Did the pressure of your past job lend itself to a mistake environment?

► In some positions it is very easy to make errors. What do you do to control errors?

Dependable Based Interview Questions:

► When we call your supervisor, what will he/she tell us about your ability to be dependable?

► When the workday starts are you the first one there?

► How would you define a dependable employee? Are you known as a dependable individual? Why?

► Describe how you have organized yourself in your present job so that you could create a dependable atmosphere with your clients/customers.

► When we check for references what will your supervisor tell us about the number of days you were absent last year?

► During a typical month, how many days are you be late to work?

Detail Oriented Based Interview Questions:

► Give me an example of the deadlines that needed to be met in your last job. How did you make sure things got done?

► Give me an example of a time when you thought you had "it all nailed down" but a detail you missed fell through the cracks. What happened?

► Give an example of the most detail-oriented positions you have had.

► Describe a situation where you had to multi task. How did you handle it?

► How do you keep track of duties that must get done concurrently?


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