⟩ Sample General Manager's Interview Questions
Competency Based Question for GM:
► What do you do on an ongoing basis to keep your professional skills up to date?
► Indicate some of the significant development efforts you have undergone in the last few years.
► What do you see as the key competencies needed in your current assignment and how have you gone about developing these?
Respect For Sacred Resources Based Question for GM:
► What type of budgetary responsibility do you carry in your current assignment? How well have you kept within that budget?
► Have you had significant experience with cost reduction efforts? Tell us about an experience.
► Can you share an experience of how you have maximized the benefit produced from limited resources you were given to work with?
Integrity Based Question for GM:
► Tell us what you do to ensure that you meet the work commitments you make to others?
► Tell us about an experience where you had to confront someone or give candid feedback?
► How did you do it? What did you say?
Teamwork Based Question for GM:
► What are some of the things you are doing to ensure the effectiveness of the team you are leading?
► Have you been on a dysfunctional team? What did you do as a team member or team leader to address the problems?
► Tell us about a time where you disagreed with the objectives or direction of a team you were on. How did you handle this?
Exceeding Customer Expectations Based Question for GM:
► What types of efforts are you making to serve your customers and to exceed customer expectations?
► How are you gathering feedback from your customers and how do you use this feedback?
► Tell us about a time where you wowed a customer.
Respect For Others Based Question for GM:
► How do you currently encourage people on your team to express their ideas and opinions? Can you give an example?
► How do you handle disagreement? Give us an example.
► Tell us your experience in working with others of diverse background from yours. How you handle differences that come from different backgrounds?
Innovation Based Question for GM:
► Tell us about an innovation that you've introduced in your work area.
► What have you done to introduce change or redefine the way work gets done in your area?
► What continuous improvement methodologies are you familiar with? Tell us about your experience.
Accountability Based Question for GM:
► What kind of system or method are you currently using for reporting progress on your work?
► What kind of metrics or measure do you currently use to measure the work in your area?
► How do you follow through on projects that you delegate to others? Can you give an example?