
Question and Answer:

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⟩ First Office Support Assistant Interview Questions

► Would you be able to comply with our company's dress code?

► How are you at handling as-needed projects? Do you mind unexpected tasks?

► Do you consider yourself a brisk worker, or one who is slower paced yet persistent and consistent?

► Outline the types of people or teams that you'd supported over the years.

► Do you have experience managing an executive calendar and scheduling appointments? What software?

► Tell me about your customer service experience.

► Provide me with an example of a recent challenge you've faced with a visiting sales rep, vendor, customer. What happened and how did you handle?

► Tell me about your experiences working with your current manager. What do you find the most challenging?

► Provide me with a quick list of the last few projects you've worked on through the last 2-3 years.

► Do you like taking on adhoc projects? Or are you someone who prefers a set day-to-day schedule?

► If asked, what would your current employers say about you?

► Have you had any involvement with introducing new systems or technologies to help improve performance within the company?

► Any professional involvement with social media and online networking, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn?

► Do you help your current manager with maintaining his online presence?

► Lastly, do you like working in the front lines of a company? What do you think that is?


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