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⟩ Please tell me how I can split combined data into separate columns in an Excel spreadsheet. For example I have a spreadsheet that contains the city and state (i.e. Kennett Square, PA) in the same column and I would like to have them in two separate columns?

In Microsoft Excel you can convert delimited text into columns. To do this you must first insert a blank column to the right of the data you want to split. Next, select the text you want to convert and on the menu bar choose Data then Text to Columns. The Delimited wizard will then open. You then need to select Delimited option and click on Next. On the next sheet of the wizard, select the character that separates your data from the Delimiters panel (i.e. comma, space, tab or whatever may be separating the text in your spreadsheet, in this case it would be a comma between the city and state). Take notice of the changes shown in the Data Preview panel. Click Next and look through the Data Preview panel to make sure your data is converted to the format you like. Make any necessary changes in the Column Data Format panel. Finally, click Finish.


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