
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Common Sales Girl Interview Questions

☛ Sell me this pen.

☛ How do you handle objections?

☛ How do you handle rejection?

☛ What do you consider the most important skills in sales?

☛ What do you dislike about sales?

☛ Is there any aspect of the sales process that you are particularly uncomfortable with?

☛ How comfortable are you making phone calls?

☛ Is there anyone you struggle to sell to?

☛ What are some examples of your sales experience?

☛ Describe the most difficult sales call you have made?

☛ Describe what your sales cycle was like in your last job?

☛ How often did you achieve your sales objectives?

☛ Describe a time that you had to change your sales approach.

☛ How do you handle the negotiation phase?

☛ When do you decide that it is time to let a potential client go?


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