
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Organizational Skills Based Audiologist Interview Questions

☛ What's your philosophy for serving preschool students for speech/language?

☛ What model do you currently use to serve students? (pull out, push in, inclusion, collaborative, coteaching, coaching, consultation?)

☛ What model do you use to serve students with autism?

☛ What program/model do you use to serve students with articulation/phonology disorders?

☛ How would you approach serving children with multiple special needs in a self-contained classroom setting?

☛ Do you think you can make change in the learning trajectory for a child even without parent involvement?

☛ What are the most important things you think teachers and parents need to know about language to make a difference for children?

☛ What do you think causes the achievement gap for minority students we serve?


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