
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Tell us in your position, you will be interacting with people with a variety of health habits. How will you encourage patients to proactively manage their health and improve their habits?

When I encounter an individual whose health is in decline or may be affected in the future by her or his current health choices, I always take the time to explain the relationship between our nutritional and lifestyle choices and overall health. I then describe the more detailed effects of certain habits, such as the potential to develop mouth and gum issues and lung diseases because of smoking or tobacco use.

To ensure that my patients understand, I ask them to acknowledge that there are significant negative effects of certain behaviors on health, and then I give them appropriate information and resources to help overcome their negative habits. I make sure to note this discussion in my notes from the visit, especially to remind me to return to the subject in subsequent visits to offer support and guidance in these vital, personal health choices.


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