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“Lady Doctors related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Lady Doctors. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

60 Lady Doctors Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell us when was the last time you were head of a medical team?

For this question, you should give all the details of the last project that you handled. You should also highlight your achievements in this project and the results that you have reached. It was because of your dedication towards work and your willingness to serve the patients that you were selected as the team head.


2⟩ Tell us in your position, you will be interacting with people with a variety of health habits. How will you encourage patients to proactively manage their health and improve their habits?

When I encounter an individual whose health is in decline or may be affected in the future by her or his current health choices, I always take the time to explain the relationship between our nutritional and lifestyle choices and overall health. I then describe the more detailed effects of certain habits, such as the potential to develop mouth and gum issues and lung diseases because of smoking or tobacco use.

To ensure that my patients understand, I ask them to acknowledge that there are significant negative effects of certain behaviors on health, and then I give them appropriate information and resources to help overcome their negative habits. I make sure to note this discussion in my notes from the visit, especially to remind me to return to the subject in subsequent visits to offer support and guidance in these vital, personal health choices.


6⟩ Explain why did you choose to become a doctor as Lady Doctor?

This is one of the most common questions asked to physicians during interviews. The medical profession is held in high regard by many and it is perceived as a noble career path. However, some also see it as a lucrative livelihood. Employers want to hire physicians who regard the profession as the former. Interview panels at hospitals do not enjoy hearing doctors say that they’ve joined the profession for the money. A satisfactory answer would be to say earnestly that you desire to help other people by dedicating yourself to preserving human life.


7⟩ Please explain what steps do you take to prevent medical malpractice?

I take my job very seriously, and so I do my best to get a broad understanding of the symptoms through communication with my patients, examinations, and further testing. I feel that it is also helpful to consult with other physicians in cases where I am not certain of treatment, and I am careful to refer patients to specialists for matters outside of the typical scope of my practice.


8⟩ Tell us can you recall a disruptive patient?

One way to ascertain whether a candidate is a good fit is to see how he or she relates to the nonclinical challenges patients often pose.

Chou’s group engages prospective physician associates in behavior interviewing, but their questions do not entail creating hypothetical “what-if” scenarios.


9⟩ Please explain how do you prevent committing medical malpractice?

Like the previous interview question, this one is also specific to physicians. When answering questions like this one, you must stress how serious and dedicated you are when treating your patients. This means having extensive knowledge of the patient’s condition which you will learn along the way through patient communication and the processes of conducting examinations. You must also mention that in cases where you are uncertain how to proceed with treatment, you are always mindful to consult with other doctors and even refer the patients to specialists outside your field if necessary.


12⟩ Tell us where do you see yourself five to ten years as Lady Doctor?

Once again, your best foot forward is honesty. It is fair for you and the employer to be both informed of your plans with your career in the future. It is even acceptable to answer that you’re still not too sure of where you will be a decade from now if you really don’t know yet.


13⟩ Tell me more specifically about this medical institution (hospital, clinic, etc.) and why you have this opening?

Most job postings are pretty general: “Looking for a hospitalist in Denver” or “Opening for EM physician in New York.” They say nothing about why this position is open in the first place.

Is someone retiring? Did someone leave? Is the facility looking to expand because it has too much volume? The motivations for bringing you on will greatly influence the responsibilities and expectations of your position.


14⟩ Tell us what strengths do you bring to this role?

This is sometimes answered alongside a request for weaknesses (see also below). If also asked for weaknesses. Start with weaknesses first and give just one. Then end with two or three strengths.

For strengths. Try to come up with something reasonably unique and remember it needs to be relevant to the role.


16⟩ Explain me about your experience and how it makes you a suitable candidate?

I've written in another post about how this question is often just asked in the shortened version. “Tell us about your experience.” In which case its a very lazy question. Its often asked because sadly on some resident medical officer interview panels the panellists are slotted in the day before and do not have time to review your application and CV.


17⟩ Tell us why are you leaving your current job as Lady Doctor?

Truthfulness and tact is key in answering this question. You should always detail the reasons for looking for work outside of your current employment in a positive context. You may want to find new challenges or seek career advancement. You may also reveal that you wish to work for a more secure organization with better benefits. While answering the question, it pays to refocus the inquiry by highlighting why the available position you’re applying for can provide what was lacking in your previous job. But take particular care not to talk badly about a current/previous employer.


19⟩ Tell us how do you interact positively with support staff?

As a physician, I understand that the support staff, such as nurses, CNAs and administrative professionals, provide essential care to patients and deserve to be treated with my respect as members of the health team. I make sure to get to know the individuals on the support team so that I can encourage them to provide the best care possible and also to pay attention to their expertise and the information they get from their interactions with patients.