⟩ Rabies reaches the central nervous system by?
* A. Hematogenous distribution
* B. Neurotropic spread
* C. Entry into brain within macrophages
* D. Both "A" and "B"
Correct Answer: B
* A. Hematogenous distribution
* B. Neurotropic spread
* C. Entry into brain within macrophages
* D. Both "A" and "B"
Correct Answer: B
What is lupus (LOO-pus) nephritis (nef-RY-tis)?
What is ureteroscope (yoo-REE-tur-uh-scope)?
What is interstitial (IN-ter-STISH-ul) nephritis (nef-RY-tis)?
What is end-stage renal (REE-nul) disease (ESRD)?
Explain me what is Blood Pressure?
What is electrolyte disorders?
What is creatinine (kree-AT-ih-nin)?
What is nephrotic syndrome?
What is hormone?
What is glomerulonephritis?