1⟩ All Enterobacteriaceae share all of the following characteristics EXCEPT?
* A. Ferment glucose
* B. Reduce nitrates to nitrites
* C. Oxidase positive
* D. Gram negative
* E. Rod-shaped (bacilli)
Correct Answer: C
“Microbiology Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, which are unicellular or cell-cluster microscopic organisms. This includes eukaryotes such as fungi and protists, and prokaryotes. Viruses, though not strictly classed as living organisms, are also studied. So learn more about Microbiology with the help of this Microbiology Interview Questions with Answers guide”
* A. Ferment glucose
* B. Reduce nitrates to nitrites
* C. Oxidase positive
* D. Gram negative
* E. Rod-shaped (bacilli)
Correct Answer: C
* A. Cell surface polysaccharide
* B. A channel controlling substance taken into the organism.
* C. A flagellar protein
* D. A peptidoglycan matrix important for cellular rigidity
* E. Cell wall lipopolysaccharide
Correct Answer: E
* A. It is a protein-conjugated, polysaccharide vaccine.
* B. It is poorly immunogenic in young children and immuno compromised hosts.
* C. It is routinely recommended for immune competent adults and children >2 yrs. of age at risk for serious pneumococcal disease.
* D. It protects against the major serotypes of pneumococci causing infection.
* E. An adult with asplenia would be a candidate for this vaccine.
Correct Answer: A
* A. They are important causes of toxic strep syndrome.
* B. They are frequent colonizers of the female genital tract.
* C. Screening for this pathogen during pregnancy has reduced the incidence of neonatal sepsis.
* D. These organisms are b-hemolytic.
* E. They are important causes of urinary tract infections and bacteremia in elderly and diabetic adults.
Correct Answer: A
* A. Sinusitis
* B. Acute rheumatic fever alone
* C. Acute glomerulonephritis alone
* D. Acute rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis
* E. Scarlet fever alone
Correct Answer: D
* A. The amino terminal portion (distal portion) is variable, accounting for over 80 distinct serotypes.
* B. M proteins allow streptococci to resist phagocytosis.
* C. Antibodies to M protein confer type-specific immunity.
* D. M protein is the major virulence factor of Group A streptococci
* E. M protein is the major constituent of the capsule of Group A streptococci
Correct Answer: E
* A. Streptokinase
* B. Hyaluronidase
* C. M Protein
* D. Deoxyribonuclease C
* E. None of the above
Correct Answer: D
* A. Underlying diseases that appear to compromise host defenses, such as diabetes, lymphoma, etc
* B. Patients with a polymorphonuclear leukocyte count less than 1000/mm3
* C. Patients with polymorphonuclear leukocyte counts of 10,000 to 20,000
* D. Long term therapy with broad-spectrum antimicrobials.
Correct Answer:
* A. Shaking chills, spiking fevers
* B. Conjunctivitis
* C. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
* D. in elderly patients, decreased urine output or mental changes (confusion)
Correct Answer: B
* A. The Staphylococcal pilus gene is up-regulated by oxacillin
* B. Fragments of dead bone, called "involucrum" may act as a foreign body, and may have to be removed for optimal eradication of the staphylococcal infection.
* C. Staphylococci may be perceived by the patient's immune system as a positive factor, because the staphylococci produce an extracellular enzyme, obtundokinase, which makes the patient more alert.
* D. Staphylococci are such an integral part of our normal flora that they are treated as "self" rather than "non-self", and no immune reaction to them occurs.
Correct Answer: B
* A. Brucellosis
* B. Ulcero-glandular tularemia
* C. Pneumonic plague
* D. Relapsing fever
Correct Answer: B
* A. Ulceroglandular tularemia
* B. Bubonic plague
* C. Relapsing fever
* D. Lyme disease
Correct Answer: B
* A. Both are normal flora and contaminated the specimens sent to the lab
* B. The staph aureus is a pathogen and the coagulase negative staph is not
* C. The coagulase negative staphylococcus is a pathogen
* D. The coagulase negative staphylococcus is an opportunistic pathogen
Correct Answer: B
* A. Normal flora for both individuals
* B. A pathogen for both individuals
* C. An opportunistic pathogen for both individuals
* D. One with a low degree of virulence
Correct Answer: D
* A. Has asymptomatic infection
* B. Has opportunistic infection
* C. Is a carrier
* D. Is immunosuppressed
Correct Answer: C
* A. All bacteria have one
* B. It is composed of peptidoglycan
* C. It is an important mechanism for protecting a bacteria against ingestion by PMNs
* D. It is what causes the gram stain reaction
Correct Answer: C
* A. The ability to stain gram positive: all will look gram negative
* B. The ability to move
* C. The ability to have a gram stain result
* D. The ability to attach to other cells
Correct Answer: C
* A. An ability to stay in one place for a very long time
* B. An ability to move in the direction opposite the flagellum
* C. An ability to avoid ingestion by PMNs
* D. An ability to induce a large antibody response
Correct Answer: B
* A. Patient with the piliated strain is ill, the other patient is not
* B. Patient with the piliated strain is not ill, the other patient is
* C. Both patients are ill since pili do not correlate with virulence
* D. Patient with the piliated strain is a child, the other patient is an adult
Correct Answer: A
* A. Usually confined to the abdomen
* B. Never seen in the lung because of its excellent blood supply
* C. Mixed
* D. Rapidly progressive
Correct Answer: C