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“Microbiology Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, which are unicellular or cell-cluster microscopic organisms. This includes eukaryotes such as fungi and protists, and prokaryotes. Viruses, though not strictly classed as living organisms, are also studied. So learn more about Microbiology with the help of this Microbiology Interview Questions with Answers guide”

124 Microbiology Questions And Answers

21⟩ The laboratory reports that both blood cultures that are drawn from a 15 year old girl are growing Bacteroides fragilis. She was admitted to the hospital because of acute abdominal pain. You should be concerned that?

* A. She has acute gastroenteritis and the organism is entering the blood from the inflamed bowel endothelial surface

* B. She has a bowel perforation and intraabdominal tissue destruction with impaired vascular flow

* C. She has gram negative sepsis and the Bacteroides is a contaminant

* D. She has pelvic inflammatory disease with gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease, and the Bacteroides is a contaminant

Correct Answer: B


22⟩ Anaerobic infections are?

* A. Often continuous to mucosal surfaces

* B. Associated with highly vascularized tissue

* C. Gram negative

* D. Most likely to occur in the lung with its high oxygen level

Correct Answer: A


25⟩ A 15 year old boy comes in to clinic with pain in his right ear. He is on his school swim team and spends about 2 hours per day in the pool. Along with the pain in his ear, he has watery drainage coming from the ear canal. On exam his vital signs are normal, and he appears healthy, but his left external ear looks quite red and there is copious watery, slightly green drainage coming from the ear. The organism mostly likely causing this is?

* A. Staph aureus

* B. Viridans group streptococci

* C. Streptococcus pneumoniae

* D. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Correct Answer: D


26⟩ Helicobacter pylori?

* A. Is the presumed cause of colon cancer?

* B. Is the cause of most cases of acute food poisoning in the U.S.

* C. Is the cause of about 90% of peptic ulcers in the U.S.

* D. Is urease negative?

Correct Answer: C


32⟩ An important means of preventing hospital acquired infections is?

* A. For health care workers to wash their hands between patient contacts

* B. For all patients to be placed in single rooms

* C. For all patients to receive a single dose of antibiotics at the time of admission

* D. An infection control program with one nurse for every 100 patients in the hospital

Correct Answer: A