⟩ Tell me some of your most challenging cases. What therapies did you use?
Reveals more about history.
Reveals more about history.
What is korsakoff's Syndrome?
What is perseveration?
Tell us as a psychiatrist, how would you treat a patient with depression?
Explain me what would you do if a patient disagreed with your diagnosis or refused treatment?
Tell us what Role Do You Think Psychiatrists Should Play In Trying To Influence Social Issues?
Explain me what kind of work environment do you thrive in?
Explain me have You Heard The Term “psychological Mindedness?” What Does That Mean To You? Are You Psychologically Minded? How Do You Know?
Explain me how Will You Handle Stress In Your Residency Training?
Tell us depending on the severity of the illness, many patients will require familial intervention and assistance throughout their treatment. How do you plan on keeping the family in the loop throughout treatment?
As you know our psychiatric nurses get opportunities to serve as peer mentors after they’ve been at the hospital for at least a year. Would you be a good fit for such a role?