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⟩ Explain page layouts of MOSS?

Page layout defines the look and feel of a Web page. Content for the page is stored in fields on the page. When you view or edit a page, the content is displayed in the field controls.

The types of fields on a page are determined by the content type for the page. Each content type contains columns. When you create a content type, you add column templates to the content type for each field. Column templates determine the default field control that is associated with the columns as well as the kind of content the field can contain, such as a single line of text, a hyperlink, or a picture.

Types of page layout columns:

Scheduling Start Date: displays the date and time when the page is visible on a site.

Scheduling End Date: It contains the date and time in which the page is no longer visible on a site.

Contact: contains the name of the person or group who created the page.

Contact E-mail Address: Page Content: contains the name of the page layout associated with each instance of a page. contains the e-mail address of the person who created the page.

Contact Name: contains the name of the person who created the page.

Contact Picture: contains the picture of the person you can contact about the page.

Page Content: contains the name of the page layout associated with each instance of a page.


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