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⟩ Explain How to Build the Plan - Analyze product risk?

Analyze product risk.

► What to Analyze

o Threats

o Product vulnerabilities

o Failure modes

o Victim impact

► Ways to Analyze

o Review requirements and specifications.

o Review problem occurrences.

o Interview designers and users.

o Review product against risk heuristics and quality criteria categories.

o Identify general fault/failure patterns.

► Possible Work Products

o Component risk matrices

o Failure mode outline

► Status Check

o Do the designers and users concur with the risk analysis?

o Will you be able to detect all significant kinds of problems, should they occur during testing?

o Do you know where to focus testing effort for maximum effectiveness?

o Can the designers do anything to make important problems easier to detect, or less likely to occur?

o How will you discover if your risk analysis is accurate?


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