
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Explain what are Strong Password Requirements?

☛ Use a minimum password length of 12 to 14 characters if permitted.

☛ Include lowercase and uppercase alphabetic characters, numbers and symbols if permitted.

☛ Generate passwords randomly where feasible.

☛ Avoid using the same password twice (eg. across multiple user accounts and/or software systems).

☛ Avoid character repetition, keyboard patterns, dictionary words, letter or number sequences, usernames, relative or pet names, romantic links (current or past) and biographical information (e.g. ID numbers, ancestors' names or dates).

☛ Avoid using information that is or might become publicly associated with the user or the account.

☛ Avoid using information that the user's colleagues and/or acquaintances might know to be associated with the user.

☛ Do not use passwords which consist wholly of any simple combination of the aforementioned weak components.


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