⟩ Which option is used by sed to specify that the following string is an instruction or set of instructions? a) -n b) -e c) -f d) -i
a) -n
a) -n
How to install Linux OS along with fedora 14 OS in one System?
What is the detail boot process in Linux? Start form Pc on?
Is it possible to install Linux RHEL5 os along with fedora14 Linux os in one system?
How is FAT32 file system mounted in Linux file system?
What are the IPC techniques?
How to transfer a file from windows xp to RHEL5(LINUX) with bootable os?
How to get typed command history in vi editor?
Who are the author of LINUX operation system?
What is symbolic link in unix?
Why do we have serial and parallel interface, which one was faster and why and when we should go for this interface?