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⟩ Fast I Install red hat Linux 4.0 and again I install Sun Solaris 10 after install Solaris I got problem I am not able to see Red Hat Linux what was the problem, I need to Edit something, So tell me step by step configuring?

It's not working properly,If u edited grub working only few


Better than Solaris OS install first then u can install

Redhat after u follow step by step for running both OS at

single machine at a time single os:

After install redhat now u can able see linux os only,after

login linux

1. Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf # end of this file add some lines

2. title Sun Solaris

root (hd0,0) or root (sd0,0) # This for primary

partition otherwise which partition did u install mention

here like (hd0,2)

chainloader +1

Then save & exit now shutdown ur pc (don't reboot)

3. Now poweron ur pc now press arrow key then u can u able

see the solaris os will be list.Now select this enjoy


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